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XCELL A 甦活原生維他命A昇華素

XCELL A 採用6%SYNERGIE專利成分Retinext complex™,揉合革新維他命A型態-HPR維他命A,無需轉化可直接與肌底細胞結合發揮強效作用,再配以輔酶Q10及聲波技術提煉的綠茶萃取,打造最強抗皺去角質精華!

SuperSerum+ 超級逆齡精華+


Vitamin B 13% 維他命B3精華13%


Ultimate A 維他命A晚間修護精華(全新維他命A形態)

以高穩定、高效力視黃醇(維他命A)之最新形態Retinol Rovisome™全新研配,比前一代的成分更濃縮,效力更強。

Pure-C Crystals 左旋維C水晶粉

採用高純度藥品級左旋維C粉末,高濃度、高穩定配方,每次使用加入精華激活,將新鮮的活性維他命C注入目標細胞,配合α-硫辛酸,促進膠原合成,抗氧、抗老功效最大化! 全新包裝登場,使用PET塑膠,質量輕、韌性佳、耐酸鹼,不容易揮發,時刻保持產品新鮮。

ImprovEyes Night 煥亮修護眼霜


XCELL C 甦活原生維他命C昇華素

20% SYNERGIE獨創專利成分CMF Triacid Complex™,揉合高滲透技術(DMI)將新鮮、穩定的乙基維他命C、杏仁酸及阿魏酸注入肌膚深層,無懼氧化,成就淨透明亮彈性肌。

XCELL B 甦活原生B3昇華素

XCELL B 甦活原生B3昇華素是蘊含 15%德國醫學級維他命B3原液及雙歧益生桿菌因子,令肌膚細胞得到鞏固強化,提升肌膚 8大「原生力」,令肌膚時刻保持年輕、充滿活力!

ImprovEyes Day 抗皺眼部精華


ReVeal 溶黑頭精華


Blem-X 特效暗瘡精華

Blem-X 是一款針對痘痘、黑頭、白頭的活性精華。它的配方能有助對抗:過量油脂分泌、毛孔堵塞及紅腫。

EnLighten 抗黑亮肌淡斑精華

全新配方EnLighten抗黑亮肌淡斑精華,集合2大新成分—傳明酸、海洋胞外多醣,強效抑制黑色素的合成,針對改善色素沈澱、黑斑、曬斑等問題。 終極祛斑精華,減少黑色素達61%!無油配方,最清爽、快吸收,孕婦及激光療程前後適合使用,全力提升肌膚透亮感!
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Skin Serum, Australia Made & Founded

Take your skincare routine to the next level with face serum from Synergie Skin.

Designed to offer long-term benefits for every skin type, we’ve combined the best of science and nature to create an effective and powerful range of cosmeceutical products. Our product range includes vitamin B3 serum for the skin, retinol serum, and SuperSerum+, one of the best anti ageing serum products on the market. We’ve packed in high concentrations of the active ingredients for a skincare routine that will achieve visible results.

Synergie Super Serum & Other Face Serum

We’ve created an advanced range of skin serum in Australia that addresses a variety of specific skin concerns. Synergie SuperSerum + is the next generation of the original SuperSerum, with even more benefits packed into every bottle, including a new epigenetically active botanical for age-defying results. The advanced formulation affects the way collagen is produced to soften fine lines and wrinkles, for the best anti ageing serum on the market in Australia. It truly is a super serum!

Vitamin A skin serum is formulated with ingredients that thicken and stimulate the dermis to slow down normal ageing. Make our Ultimate A serum an essential part of your daily care against UV damage and pigmentation.

Hailed as the great multi-tasking pharmaceutical, the best vitamin B serum for the skin is packed with niacinamide ingredients. Synergie Skin’s Vitamin B serum is made in Australia and specifically targets wrinkles, dryness, excess sebum and other skin conditions.


Take Extra Care with Advanced Retinol Serum

Our Vitamin B face serum, Ultimate A serum, SuperSerum+ and other products are well-loved and recommended by skin professionals. Free of ethically questionable ingredients and formulated in Australia by our founder and cosmetic chemist, Terri Vinson, creating essential face serums that visibly improve skin health.

If you’re after visible results, incorporate retinol serums and anti ageing serums into your skincare routine today. For further information about any of our products and for free advice about your unique skin concerns, contact the experts at Synergie Skin.