
ÜberZinc 物理防曬面霜 (SPF30 PA+++)

全新絲滑配方, SPF30 PA+++,含21%氧化鋅Zinc Oxide的專利配方,能阻擋100%UVB和99%UVA。

HydroGel 透明質酸瞬間注水精華

三重保濕因子-透明質酸、甜菜鹼及乳酸鈉為缺水肌膚長效保濕, 有助控油、收毛孔、美白,肌膚加倍水潤有活力

BrightEnlite 雪白輕瑩霜


Reclaim 逆齡修護霜

SYNERGIE SKIN ReClaim逆齡修護霜結合3種抗衰老成分:斑葉鐘花樹樹皮萃取、棕櫚醯三肽-38及海洋胞外多醣,一支做到:抗衰老、袪皺、緊緻提拉、保濕提亮!從基因層面延緩衰老,15分鐘鬆弛度減少高達18%,魚尾紋深度減少高達16%!即時緊緻提升,減淡皺紋,讓肌膚回復飽滿彈性,同時改善肌膚粗糙度、鬆弛度及平滑度。容易吸收,特別適合老化、乾燥、缺水肌膚。

DermaCalm Lotion 特效退紅乳液

臨床證明紓緩紅熱刺痛!全新成分Telangyn™ 及Delisens™,針對因過敏等引致的各種泛紅症狀,乳液狀更水潤溫柔,體貼容易過敏肌膚,亦是醫學美容療程後的絕佳護膚品。

De-Stress 敏感肌膚急救精油


Elastense 彈力緊緻霜


B-juvEnate 維他命B3醫學身體潤膚精華


Face and Body Moisturisers

Body and face moisturisers are an essential part of your skincare routine.

Keeping your skin nourished and hydrated with scientifically-backed products will provide you with improved skin health and reduced signs of ageing. Buy skin moisturisers online that contain high levels of active ingredients that can lock in moisture on your face and body without causing irritation. Perfect for everyday use each morning and evening, treat your skin to the nourishment it needs with moisturisers from Australia.

Skin Moisturisers, Australia Made

Synergie Skin products and moisturisers are made in Australia, meaning we understand the effects of the harsh sun on our skin.

Discover our zinc oxide moisturiser, UberZinc, for one of the most effective products against both ageing and harmful UVA and UVB rays. This face moisturiser contains 21% zinc oxide, making it a natural sunblock against UV damage that doesn’t harm the skin. UberZinc contains pure green tea for its antioxidant properties and can be used on irritated or acne-prone skin.

Our Commitment to Superior Moisturisers

Being a skin care brand based in Australia means we’re not only wary of the damage the sun can cause, but also the effects the weather can have on visible signs of ageing. It’s important that we take the time to replenish moisture levels, with the daily use of skin, eye and face moisturisers.

Our range has been formulated to do just that. From our zinc oxide moisturiser to the popular Hydrolock, each product contains biologically active substances that penetrate the epidermis for restoration and reconstruction.


Buy Skin Moisturisers Online or In-store

Browse the range of Synergie Skin body moisturisers online to find the ideal match for your skin type and skin concerns. We ship all across Australia, allowing you to buy skin moisturisers that are delivered right to your door. For our global fans, you too can buy our skin moisturisers. We have a range of international stockists and distributors around the world to assist you on your skin care journey.

If you’re looking for a beauty routine that is tailored to your long-term skin health needs, visit one of our Australian or International Stockists. These medically affiliated clinics will provide a personalised and in-depth Synergie Skin experience for your cosmeceutical needs.